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Green Champions – Apple Global School from Awareness to Action!

Many positive changes have been instituted and others are constantly being researched and implemented to remedy the world’s environmental crisis. It isn’t just the current generation that must deal with any crisis that is created; it will be a challenge for future generations if greater action is not taken over the next few decades.

Therefore as teachers and parents it becomes our duty and responsibility to pass on the information to our students as they will be leading the country and world in future. And for this we require Green schools, where not only is Green awareness amongst staff and students important, Green Action is also undertaken. Apple Global School is one of the best CBSE school of Ahmedabad, and it is an IGBC certified green school.

Let us see how Green school benefits Students and how Apple Global School leads by example-

 Protect Health

Schools built with more natural daylight, better ventilation, and healthy green building materials are healthier for students, teachers and other school employees and result in fewer sick days.

  • Increase Student Performance

A lack of fresh air can cause reduced attentiveness. Studies have shown that student test scores can improve up to 20% when kids learn in green classrooms that provide more natural day lighting, improved classroom acoustics, and healthier paints and carpets that don’t release toxic chemicals into the air.

  • Save Energy, Save Money

Operating costs for energy and water in a green school can be reduced by 20% to 40%, allowing more money to be used for teacher salaries, textbooks, and computers.

  • Reduce Carbon Emissions

Green schools significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions. In Los Angeles alone, building 34 new green schools would reduce 94,000 tons of CO2 — the equivalent of eliminating more than 15,000 cars from the road every year, or planting more than 280,000 trees.

  • Reduce Water Usage

On average, a green school reduces water usage 32%. This reduction has direct savings for the building, as well as substantial societal benefits from lower pollution and reduced infrastructure costs to deliver water and to transport and treat wastewater.

  • Improve Teacher Retention

A green school can reduce teacher turnover by as much as 5%, which results in financial savings for the school, as well as a more positive experience for students.

  • Provide A Unique Educational Opportunity

Buildings can become teaching tools and important features of science, math, and environmental curriculum when green features and advanced technology and design in schools are used to excite kids about learning real world applications of green technologies.

  • Create Green Jobs

Investing in building green schools is an investment in green jobs, including green construction, building product manufacturing, and green architecture.

  • Improve Equity

Greening public schools creates an opportunity to improve the health and educational settings for all students, regardless of income or background.

Apple Global School boasts of a well ventilated, naturally lighted and good air circulation classrooms. It is built with fly ash brick and does not use toxic paints. Use of Solar Panels, aerators in taps, green surroundings etc are our highlights.

Green Crusader club that comprises of Students and Staff generates awareness amongst society for conservation and green practices.

From youngest to senior most students, awareness about green practices like composting, zero waste, organic farming etc is generated through hands on projects undertaken under the guidance of Teachers.

A constant thought process on how to inculcate three r’s Reduce, Recycle and Reuse forms an important part of our day to day life.

Thus all applets are Green Champions, the savior of future of mankind…..

Written By

Green Champion Shruti Garg

Pre Primary Head Mistress

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